Hart Software and Embedded Systems Development
Hart Software and Embedded Systems Development


Contact Walter Borst (Borst Automation)

The luxus liner Queen Mary II The Luxus Liner Queen Mary II at the Kugelbake in Cuxhaven

I live and work in Cuxhaven. This is a small town right at the mouth of the river Elbe. Cuxhaven is about 100 km liear distance northwest of Hamburg.

Borst Automation is an alias name for the engineering consultancy of Walter Borst. Special topics are: digital communication (HART, Bluetooth, WLAN), embedded systems firmware development and testing.

Borst Automation

Walter Borst

Kapitaen-Alexander-Strasse 39

DE-27472 Cuxhaven, GERMANY


Fon: +49 (0) 4721 6985-100

Fax: +49 (0) 4721 6985-102


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walter-borst



Question about HartTools: HartTools@borst-automation.de


Any other question: Info@borst-automation.de

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